Monday, September 12, 2011


Here I sit…sipping on my second cup of coffee and eating my beloved fried toast with guava jelly…wondering how I will get two discussion boards (with two replies each), a case study, a reference assignment, and three exams done in the next 36 hours – all while giving my daughter the attention she deserves from me being away during the last ten days. Oh well, I will give it my best.

But enough about me…

My main train of thought this morning is how much there is to process from the experiences at Maria’s Big House of Hope last week – and how slow that seems to be happening now. Each day there I was able to think about the questions in our daily devotions and answer them – an attempt at processing. However, now that I have returned home to somewhat normalcy – there are more questions than answers.

Why are children abandoned in today’s society? Why is there neglect and abuse? Where is compassion? How and why are we allowing this to happen? How are those with disabilities and the unwanted able to display so much hope in a smile or laugh – when all you want to do is cry while holding them? And…shamefully I question…why does God allow this to happen?

Don’t get me wrong…I get that there is a purpose for everything. I know that God has plans we may never be able to comprehend. I just would like to know why we cannot, as Christians – society – human beings, look at the children being lost through the cracks each day and take a stand. Offer a hand of hope, of love, of a home. I cannot understand why churches are not more involved in orphan care – especially since it is a responsibility given to us by Christ. The thought that churches/people are “just more into different ministries” is not viable!!! This is not a pick and choose topic…it is our responsibility…set forth in James 1:27! I cannot understand how people can fight for the life of a tree or species – and allow children to die. Coming from a nature-lover herself, if there is a choice between fighting for a child or a tree…the child should take precedence EVERY time. There are more important things in life…than things.

While in Luoyang, I was especially drawn by those children with medical issues that left them paralyzed - most of the time they were only able to see floor level. Those are the children I held for hours and lifted so they had a different view. In writing this…it is speaking to me. Are we not like them – stuck in a view of the world and unable or unwilling to move? What if we were lifted to another level…a higher place to see more than just what is in front of us? A place where the physical, emotional, and spiritual care all of God’s children was important to us.

I don’t want to be stuck in that place with only a small amount visible. I want to see all that is around me. I want to be more than I am – not for me, but for Him!

Monday, July 18, 2011

China Bound...Again.

Life has sure been interesting since my last post on March 31st. A week or so afterwards, I found out that my job was being "restructured" - in other words, I wouldn't have one. And the day before my last day of work, I was informed that I had been selected to be a part of a mission team to Maria's Big House of Hope in China. I knew that the decision process was still ongoing when I received noticed of my soon-to-be lack of employment, but left it in God's hands whether of not I would be chosen to go. I was a little perplexed when I received the positive news, but decided that God knows the situation I am in and it is in His control.

To give a brief description of Maria's Big House of Hope: it is a Show Hope Special Care Center which provides life-giving care for at-risk orphans living with acute medical needs. This special care not only brings the hope of healing to these children but also offers many the hope of a loving forever family. I truly believe that God has a family for every orphan. This facility is taking children that are sometimes neglected because of their disabilities and giving them the special attention they need to thrive. The main mission of the groups who travel to China with Show Hope is to help provide this attention and love on the children. It is very important work and I am honored to have been chosen to be a small part of it.

I knew going into this my heart would be broken by the children I will encounter there, but I had no idea how much it would break during the last few months. Plus, I was thrown completely out of my comfort zone with trying to raise funds for the trip. I have been able to pay for the few mission trips I have been a part of here in the US. However, due to my employment situation and other financial responsibilities - it is not something I can do alone. So, I began sending out letters and trying fundraising projects. I even spoke at church one night about adoption and missions. While I have had some favorable responses from close friends, the majority hasn't even responded. I sent out over over 120 letters - approximately 10% responded. I don't know if that is a good percentage, but to me it is sad. Not that I expect them to support a mission trip - but to be interested in the welfare of orphans and at-risk children. A pastor told me before I spoke at church, "Don't be upset if only a few respond, it may only touch a few people." This has been hard for me to accept though. Maybe because I am personally involved having adopted...maybe because I have personally seen how just a little love can transform a child...maybe because others have not is the reason for disinterest. There are too many maybes.

We...not only as Christians, but human beings...should be interested in the welfare of others - especially children. I suppose the reason it is bothering me so much is that it seems we are not. I admit that I was probably not as involved until I started considering adoption and looking into the numbers of children without homes and loving families. It is staggering!

* 43.4 million orphans live in sub-Saharan Africa, 87.6 million orphans live in Asia, and 12.4 million orphans live in Latin America and the Caribbean.
* 1.5 million children live in public care in Central and Eastern Europe alone.
* At any given point there are over 500,000 children in the U.S. Foster Care system.

It is estimated that if only 7% of Christians would adopt a child, there would be no orphans. Realistically, I know that people have different issues they are drawn to and are important to them. Even so, I would like to think that offering an encouraging word or prayer is not out of their reach. I suppose that is what has been so sad to me more than anything - the lack of response.

I am praying that my "last ditch efforts" will have a more positive response. I am committed to this endeavor - not just in mind, but I actually had to sign a Show Hope form saying I am (which I admit provided a bit of apprehension). To the 10% of friends and family who have responded, you will never know how much it has meant to me. Your words of encouragement have been a constant source of strength. I know that it wasn't just for the trip - but for the reason of the trip...showing God's love to orphans and those we encounter in China.

I would encourage everyone to find an outlet to show the love of God. I truly believe that we are meant for more than just living and dying. There are people in need - and if we are at all able, we should be there for them. In closing, please do not take anything I said as harsh. I am just writing my thoughts and I hope will provoke thoughts of your own. I will challenge you in spend one day with my daughter or any adopted child and not feel the responsibility to make the world a better place for orphans - to not take James 1:27 to heart. It would be a hard thing to do. I think about this verse each day I see my little one smile and know she is thriving.

From: More To This Life - Steven Curtis Chapman
Today I watched in silence as people passed me by,
And I strained to see if there was something hidden in their eyes;
But they all looked at me as if to say life just goes on.

The old familiar story told in different ways,
Make the most of your own journey from the cradle to the grave;
Dream your dreams tomorrow because today
Life must go on.

But there’s more to this life than living and dying,
More than just trying to make it through the day;
More to this life, more than these eyes alone can see,
And there’s more than this life alone can be.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A sensitive matter…

Have you noticed that Facebook can be a great thing – but at other times can be (as the mother in “The Waterboy” said)…”of the devil”? I really enjoy Facebook. It has brought me back in contact with old friends, I have met new friends, and I am able to stay in touch with my faraway relatives. For me, it has been more of a blessing than a curse – accept for maybe the addiction factor. However, it can also become a conduit for uninhibited thoughts leading to reckless behavior. It has even been on the news how destructive it can be to lives and marriages.

I really don’t think people realize that some things should not be said, or written, in a public forum. I have a recently divorced friend whose teenage child is on their friend list. There is a great deal said about sexual matters, partying, and such. I wonder what that child thinks reading these comments. Is parental respect dwindling with each remark? Can they look back and be proud of them? Is it setting an example for their view of life?

Everything I say and do is with the thought of how it might be perceived by others – but mostly by my close friends and family. It is hard on me at times – and I do miss the mark here and there. However, I try to do the best I can to make sure I live up to what I believe is right. That being said, I am not passing judgment on my friend or anyone else – I have made my fair share of mistakes. However, thankfully most have been limited to a non-public arena - or at least I think so. Ummm...hmmm. Might have to think about that one. Anyway....

Again, I think Facebook can be a wonderful thing – but it must be taken seriously when posting to remember others than the intended are reading it. What I would like to say to my friend is that they need to value their life and their reputation. But, I am afraid it would not be taken in the spirit in which I intend. Perhaps at a later point…I just hope that any damage is still repairable at that time.

Our words speak to who we are … whether written or spoken. What are we saying?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Show Hope is sponsoring...

Mark and I attended this conference last year at the Nashville location. We gained a great deal of insight from the speakers. Dr. Purvis is absolutely wonderful! If you are interested, please go to and follow the link for more information.

And so it begins...

Lately, I have been inspired and encouraged to try my hand at blogging once again. I attempted it when we were in the adoption process and while in China, but for some reason the entrance of a 14-month old into our lives took away my blogging time. I actually did good to get photos posted at that point.  Anyway, several friends have been blogging for quite a while and my brother has created an awesome one showcasing many of his interests. I will gladly accept suggestions at any time - since this is all fairly new to me.

The name of the blog represents how I feel about life - blessed BEYOND MEASURE. Sure, life throws many curve balls along the way - and at times I have wondered why things happen...until I see God's promises unfolding before my eyes.  I am blessed BEYOND MEASURE because God loved me enough to send His Son to save me - and I am covered by His grace and mercy every day. I am blessed BEYOND MEASURE because I had the best earthly examples of God's love who happened to have been my parents. I am blessed BEYOND MEASURE because I have a wonderful family here and abroad.  I am blessed BEYOND MEASURE because I met and married my best friend. I am blessed BEYOND MEASURE because I have recently become a mother of a child who holds my heart in her tiny, little hands.  I am blessed BEYOND MEASURE because I have gone through some really bad things in recent years, and I know that God carried me through most of it.  The way I feel about life is that way that I believe we should all feel about it. WE ARE ALL BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE.

My posts will most likely deal with my personal passions in life - adoption and orphan care is among those at the top of the list.  Also, I would like to become more computer savvy like Ralph and post some cool videos and links. I am not sure how many will be interested in them. But...we will see. And so it begins....